Recreation and Parks Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 8, 2019



Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Avon Town Hall, Building Department Conference Room

I. Call to Order - 7:31 a.m. – By Peter Ponziani, Chairman

A. Attendance

1. Members & Staff Present

Ruth Checko, Director, Peter Ponziani, Barbara Ausiello, Donald Droppo, Jr., David Jadovich, Joe Weist

2. Members & Staff Absent

Kelly Jackson, Kimberley Pereira

II. Minutes – September 5, 2018

Minutes from the September 5, 2018 meeting were presented.

Mr. Jadovich motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Ms. Ausiello seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

III. Public Comment


IV. Director’s Report

Ms. Checko stated that a Director’s report will be tabled until the next meeting due to the number of items on today’s agenda.

V. Correspondence

A. DRAFT Field Administration and Use Manual

Ms. Checko informed Committee members that she worked on a Field Administration and Use Manual to come up with a plan for use of facilities and fields. The manual was prepared due to the issues that came up from various organizations this past year regarding field closures. Ms. Checko said that Mr. Roberston found a good example online and Ms. Checko drafted manual for Avon which was modeled after the Newtown manual. The manual will be distributed to the various sports organizations in Town and a representative from each of those organizations will have to review the manual and then submit a signed form stating that the manual has been reviewed and is understood by that particular organization. The person signing off on the manual is then expected to review it with the various people within their organization. The manual will be available online on the AvonRec site as well as the Department home page of the Town website.

Mr. Ponziani felt that the manual would be very helpful. Ms. Checko stated that part of the manual deals with proper maintenance of the facilities and fields and representatives from Little League will need to attend a training in the spring for the maintenance. The Recreation Department will be responsible for field closings during the week but on weekends, the determination will be up to the individual organization using the fields.

Mr. Weist asked if the manual is something that can be updated as needed or it any changes would need council approval. Ms. Checko said the manual can be changed as needed and would not need Council approval.

B. DRAFT Public Place Regulations and Appendix B Changes

Ms. Checko reported to the committee that the Town Council approved the changes to the Public Place Regulations and Appendix B. Ms. Checko said the Council did not amend Ordinance #41 because they did not want to take out the appeals process portion of the Ordinance.

C. Proposed meeting dates for 2019

Ms. Checko submitted to the committee the proposed meeting dates for the 2019 committee meetings. After review of the dates, Mr. Weist motioned to accept the proposed meeting dates for 2019 as presented and Mr. Droppo seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

VI. Committee Communication


VII. Old Business

A. Fisher Meadows Expansion Project

Committee members asked about work on Waterville and Old Farms Road. Ms. Checko informed the committee that cutting and clearing has started and there has been a lot of clearing done and the project is well underway as far as the Fisher Meadows expansion. The new area has been graded and seeded and the irrigation is now complete. The new area will be over seeded again in the spring. . The fields are scheduled to be ready in the fall. Ms. Checko said groups are worried that this area is going to be the first to flood if we get a lot of rain. In the old area, the irrigation is currently being worked on.

Discussed in Director’s Report.

B Synthetic Turf Field Project – Avon High School

Ms. Checko said the Synthetic Turf Field Project was approved in the referendum. She said Ms. Tiezzi has been the front person with this project.

Ms. Tiezzi and Ms. Checko have a conference call scheduled with BSC Group this afternoon to discuss the project and the plan is to start in mid-April/May with substantial completion by the fall. A sub-committee including 2 members of the Recreation and Parks committee will be the Building Committee for this project.

C Amendment of Public Place Regulations and Appendixes

This item was covered under Correspondence.

VIII. New Business

A. DRAFT Field Administration And Use Manual

This item was covered under Correspondence.

B. New Field Uses

Ms. Checko reported that she is recommending the new fields at Fisher Meadows be used for lacrosse and soccer in the spring and soccer in the fall. Eventually the Thompson Road property would be considered for lacrosse in the spring and flag football in the fall. Mr. Weist asked if that would allow for some of the fields to be taken offline on a rotational basis. Ms. Checko said yes, but that would not occur for at least a year and she would be discussing that with Mr. Hoekman at Public Works.

Mr. Ponziani asked if there was a policy or plans for the new synthetic turf field. Ms. Checko said not at this time and the community use remains to be seen. Ms. Checko said the turf field would be a back-up if Fisher floods. Mr. Droppo asked what the timeline was for the completion of the turf field. Ms. Checko said 122 calendar days for completion depending on the weather. Mr. Weist asked if there was an alternate plan for track use during construction of the turf field. Ms. Checko was not sure, but she did say people could use the rails to trails or tracks in other nearby towns to walk or run during construction of the turf field.

C. Summer Camp Reorganization

Ms. Checko informed committee members that the department is reorganizing the summer camp programs. She said this year we will have the Summer Fun Camp which will be for children entering grades K-4 in the fall of 2019 and this camp will run for 7 consecutive week starting July 1.

Ms. Checko told committee members that Avon has partnered with the Town of Canton for a new Summer Adventure camp which will be for students entering grades 5 – 9 in the fall of 2019. The partnership will share staff from both towns and each town is allotted 20 campers per session. The Adventure camp will be offsite each day with various field trips to places like Six Flags, Lake Compounce as well as a bicycle tour, bowling, miniature golf, etc. This camp will run for 6 consecutive weeks starting July 8. The Adventure camp will accommodate parents that have middle school age students who are looking for something to do in the summer.

One of the perks of the Adventure camp is that if parents sign their child up for 3 consecutive weeks in one registration, they will be given a season pass to Six Flags. The Towns of Granby and Simsbury offer this option as well and it has been a huge success. Purchasing the season pass for the camper actually saves the Town money in the long run.

Ms. Checko said she is a little concerned about the staff for the Adventure camp getting burned out due to the field trips each day, so the Fridays of each session will be a low key field trip like Sycamore pool or Mills Pond pool in Canton.

D. Youth Basketball League

The fall basketball league is up and running. Ms. Checko said bringing in certified, professional referees has been very favorable and we have received positive feedback. The program is doing well and we are still partnering with Burlington, Canton and Farmington.

The K-1 program is doing so well that we had to add sessions on to accommodate the waiting lists. The 2-3 graders are doing okay as these are some of the children that participated in the K-1 program last season. The 4-8 grade numbers have been declining for the girls but the boys are about where they were at for numbers last season.

E. Operating Budget

Ms. Checko said that the Town Manager wanted department heads to come in with a 0% increase for the FY19/20 budget. Ms. Checko told committee members that the department’s Program Coordinator will be not be renewing her contract next September so Ms. Checko had to put in a part time 20 per week position for a Program Consultant. This position will now be an employee of the Town instead of a contracted position. Ms. Daly will be retained part time on a contract to handle Special Needs issues.

F; Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Revenues

Ms. Checko reported that the Fund 09. Special Revenues fund ended with a $43,000 surplus which will go back into the General Fund.

The Senior Center 09 Special Revenues fund ended just shy of a $2,000 deficit so adjustments were made so that shouldn’t happen in

the next budget year.

Mr. Ponziani asked if some of the $43,000 money could be used for Recreation projects. Ms. Checko said she would look into this.

She would like to replace the play scape at Sycamore Hills Park.

G. Set Meeting Dates for 2019

This item was covered under Correspondence.

IX. Adjournment

Mr. Jadovich motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 AM. Ms. Ausiello seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted by Sharon Henry

Sharon Henry

Sharon Henry

N:\Recreation\Rec. & Park Committee\Minutes\Minutes - January 8, 2019