Registration and Voter Requirements

To Register to Vote in CT, you MUST be a U.S. citizen; be a resident of a CT town; be at least 17 years old (must turn 18 before Election Day); and have completed confinement and parole if previously convicted of a felony.
Note that 17 year olds affiliated with a party may vote in an primary prior to the election.
You must be 18 years old to vote in Town of Avon referenda.
Voter registration cards can obtained at:
        * Town Clerk's Office
        * Registrar of Voters Office
        * Libraries throughout the State
        * DMV
        * Online at Secretary of State
Voter registration cards can be mailed directly to the Registrar of Voters or presented in person.
The Registrars will be happy to mail you a card if you call the office (409-4350).